


Lecture Notes, Syllabus, and Sample Text Book

stu 2018.10.15 17:25 Views : 132679

Summer 2020


MATH100 Math Fundamental Summer 2020.pdf


Please find SSH in the menu abd click

Keep proceding until you find "login"


login: algebra

password: algebra!   

(When you type the password it dose not show up so just keep type)















Spring 2020


CS300 Computer Programming Spring 2020 Francis.pdf


Winter 2020


BUS 327 Introduction to Application Program Interface Winter 2020.pdf


Please go to your web site



ID: email

PW: 1234qwer!



Practice 1 (1/13/2020)

Please go to your web site


Please login with your ID (email address) and PW (1234qwer!)

Please find the menu " Mon S19 HTML" and click


1. Simple Practice

Please click the "Write" button


Title: Practice 1 YOURNAME


Please go to


and do the practice 1 (We will go through together)


2. About me

Please click the "Write" and 

Title: About YOURNAME

Using what you learn from practice 1 please build up a page to introduce yourself.


3. Long term project 

Please choose one topic

(Can be anything within our Mission statement and it should be profitable to class)

ex) Classical Music, Journey to ..... , visiting ..... , Dream sports car, ....

More specific topic would be better

Please use the technics from practice 1 to start to build up your long term project




Practice 2 (1/20/2020)


Please login your account and 


1. Please make "Practice 2 Marquee" 

Make same page with the 


2. Please update your About me page
3. Please update your Long Term Project page
<p><marquee>Welcome to Los Angeles</marquee></p>
<p><marquee bgcolor="blue">Welcome to Los Angeles</marquee></p>
<p><marquee behavior="scroll">Welcome to Los Angeles</marquee></p>
<p><marquee behavior="slide">Welcome to Los Angeles</marquee></p>
<p><marquee behavior="alternate">Welcome to Los Angeles</marquee></p>
<p><marquee loop="3">Welcome to Los Angeles</marquee></p>
<p><marquee scrollamount="30">Welcome to Los Angeles</marquee></p>
<p><marquee scrolldelay="1000">Welcome to Los Angeles</marquee></p>
<p><marquee width="50%">Welcome to Los Angeles</marquee></p>
<p><marquee direction="right">Welcome to Los Angeles</marquee></p>
<p><marquee direction="up">Welcome to Los Angeles</marquee></p>

Practice 3 (1/27/20)


Please login your account and 


1. Please make "Practice 3 Table" 

Make same page with the 


2. Please update your About me page
3. Please update your Long Term Project page


Practice 5 (2/24/20)


Please login your account and 


Letter Grid.jpg



1. Please make "Practice 4 Polygon" and take a look at


Please make at least 5 polygons in the practice menu


2. Please update your about me page

3. Please update your Long Term Project 



Practice 6 (3/2/20)


1. Please make "Practice 5 Circle"






<svg height="100" width="100"> 


<circle cx="50" cy="50" fill="red" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"> </circle> 

<circle cx="50" cy="50" fill="blue" r="30" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"> </circle>

<circle cx="50" cy="50" fill="yellow" r="20" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"> </circle>

<circle cx="50" cy="50" fill="white" r="10" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"> </circle>





2. Please update your About me page
3. Please update your Long Term Project page
Mid Point Check Next week, 5/13/19.
A. Check all the practices 

B. Check your "About Me" page

C. Chekc you "Long term Project"


Practice 7 (3/9/20)


1. Please make "Practice 6 Ellipse"



<svg height="300" width="200">
<ellipse cx="130" cy="100" fill="red" rx="40" ry="60" stroke="black" stroke-width="3"></ellipse>
<ellipse cx="130" cy="130" fill="blue" rx="40" ry="60" stroke="black" stroke-width="3"></ellipse> 
<ellipse cx="130" cy="160" fill="green" rx="40" ry="60" stroke="black" stroke-width="3"></ellipse>



2. Please update your About me page
3. Please update your Long Term Project page


















BUS 226 Web Design and Development Fall 2019 Francis.pdf


Please go to your web site



ID: email

PW: 1234qwer!



Lecture 2 


Making about me page

1. Login to the website


with your emial as an ID and given PW.

2. Click "GEAR' in right on top to go to the manage page

3. Go to "Menu", Click Menu Editor and Click Main Menu and Click Add Menu Item

Click Widget Page and put "About me" in the Menu name.

Click Confirm in right bottom. Go back to your web site.

4. Click About me 

Click Modify there after click "Insert content by yourself"

5. Edit your "About Me" page.


Lecture 3 

video: The true history of the internet


Making Media page

1. Login to the website


with your emial as an ID and given PW.

2. Click "GEAR' in right on top to go to the manage page

3. Go to "Menu", Click Menu Editor and Click Main Menu and

Click Add Menu Item Click Widget Page and


Media  Pictures Pics1



            Videos   Video1




Size : Width "300".

Please get 3 pictures and 3 videos for each menus.

Please explain or get some information for the pictures and videos.


For videos

Please go to youtube and click "share" and "embed" so that you can get the <iframe> code.




Lecture 4 



Please login your webpage !!!! and Click "GEAR' in right on top to go to the manage page



Please find "Advanced" --->"Layouts"----> "Gerrard Layout"

Please find "Configure" -----> in the second layout type make sure you have "Main(defult)"

In the very bottom please find "Top menu" and make sure you have "Main menu"

Please click "Save"



Please find "Advanced" --->"Layouts"----> "Gerrard Layout"

Please find "insert" and click

Please type "Left" in the Subject box and click "insert"

Please find "Configure" in Left (Very Important !!!!!!)-----

---->in the second layout type make sure you have "Sub Defult (Side Left)"

In the very bottom please find "Top menu" and make sure you have "Main menu"

Please click "Save"



Please find "Advanced" --->"Layouts"----> "Gerrard Layout"

Please find "insert" and click

Please type "Right" in the Subject box and click "insert"

Please find "Configure" in Right (Very Important !!!!!!)-----

---->in the second layout type make sure you have "Blog (Side Right)"

In the very bottom please find "Top menu" and make sure you have "Main menu"

Please click "Save"



Please find "Menu"--->"Menu Editor"--->"Welcome Page"--->"Design"--->"Layout"--->"Gerrary Layout"-->"Save"

***If you cannot click layout, please click the right side button in Use site design and make sure you have "OFF"


Please apply

Welcom Page--->Gerrard

About me-->Left

Media --> Gerrard


Pic1, Pic2, and Pic3 -->Left


Movie1, Movie2, and Movie3 -->Right













Lecture 5 
1. Making Short Cut
After login click admin button on the left side of main slide.
Menu--->Menu Editor--->Main menu-->Add Menu Item--->Shortcut--->Shortcut (In the Menu Name)--->
Please input your URL Link (In the URL Link)--->  Confirm
Click Shortcut (In the main menu)---> Add menu item--->shortcut-->Type Google (Inthe menu name)
Please intput "http://www.google.com" (in the URL Link)
Please make 3 more short cut (in the shortcut)
Main menu   Shortcut   Google
2. Link
Advanced--->Layouts--->Gerrard Layout--->Configure---->Please find twitter RUL and Facebook URL--->
Please input the URLs.
Please do the same thing for "Left" and "Right" layout.
3. Main Slide setting
Advanced ---> Layouts ---> Gerrard Layout ---> Configure 
Please choose "Main Slide Settings" (in the User Defined)
Please use your pictures (You may can download)
Please click "Files" and choose picture and click "Submit"
Please input "Slide Text", "Slide Content" and "Slide Button URL".
Note: Please do the "Main Slide Setting" in "Gerrard Layout " Only !!!!!
        Please find GOOD Pictures

Lecture 6 


Login and go to admin (After you login You can find admin button on the left side of main slide)


Making Board



Admin page --> Menu --> Menu Editor --> Main Menu --> Add Menu Item --> Board

Please input "Board 1" and Confirm. (You can change the name later)



Admin page --> Menu --> Menu Editor --> Main Menu --> Add Menu Item --> Board

Please input "Board 2" and Confirm. (You can change the name later)



Please apply "Left" layout to the "Board 1" and "Board 2".



Advanced --> Widgets --> Please click "Generate Code" In the "Content"

Please select "KSO Content wedget skin" and select in the "Theme"

Please click " Add" --> Select "Board 1" and confirm ---> Find Generate Code in the very bottom and click

Please copy the code in the box ---> Advanced ---> Layouts ---> Gerrard Layout ---> Please click "Configure" in the "Gerrard Layout"

Please find "Default Skin Settings" in the" User Defined"

Please input "Board 1" in the latest title 1 and paste the code in the latest widget 1



Advanced --> Widgets --> Please click "Generate Code" In the "Content"

Please select "KSO Content wedget skin" and select in the "Theme"

Please click " Add" --> Select "Board 2" and confirm ---> Find Generate Code in the very bottom and click

Please copy the code in the box ---> Advanced ---> Layouts ---> Gerrard Layout ---> Please click "Configure" in the "Gerrard Layout"

Please find "Default Skin Settings" in the" User Defined"

Please input "Board 2" in the latest title 2 and paste the code in the latest widget 2



Please find 3 pictures for small banner, please find about 350 by 150 size.

Make sure the 3 pictures have same size.

Please "select file" in the banner image 1, 2, and 3 and Submit.


7. Please make ANY at least 5 EVENTS and/or ANNOUNCEMENT in the Borad 1 and Board 2 



Lecture 7 


Login and please click admin


1. Copyright

Advanced --> Layouts --> Gerrard Layout --> Configure --> User Defined --> Basic Settings

Please take care of "Copyright" section in the very bottom of the page and "Save"


2. Teaser, IconBox, and so on

Advanced --> Layouts --> Gerrard Layout --> Configure --> User Defined --> Common Settings

Please take care of title, content, and url in "Teaser", "IconBox", "Section", "Parallax"



Advanced --> Layouts --> Gerrard Layout --> Configure --> User Defined --> Default Settings

Please take care of title and content in "Column" in the bottom






















CS310 Data Structure Summer 2019 Francis.pdf

MAT102 College Algrbra Summer 2019 Francis.pdf



Practice 1 (7/8/19)

Hello C Summer 2019.pdf


Practice 2 (7/15/19)

Fibo Summer 2019.pdf


Practice 3 (7/22/19)

Quad Eq May 2019.pdf


Lecture 4 (7/29/19)

Quad Equation


Lecture 5 (8/5/19)

Compro Loop Star Su19 Francis.pdf


Lecture 6 (8/12/19)

Order I Su19 .pdf


Lecture 7 (8/19/19)

Calculus Video Summary



Lecture 8 (8/27/19)

Prime Number.pdf





Please go to your website and find

"Mon Math Su19" in the menu

Click the menu and 


login: collegemath

PW: collegemath!


When you type the PW, letter will not show up but do not worry

(This is very safe website so no worries please keep going)


After login

mkdir  Your First name without space

ex) mkdir  han


let's go to your folder


cd  han


please check your folder is in


This is different with your web site


Whenever you want to make a program please go to your folder first

Otherwise your program cannot be graded !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




vi  hello1.c

type i : changing editing mode


please type



void main()


             printf("nn Hello this is my first program. nn");



Thereafter please hit "ESC" key and type




for save and exit


Please type


gcc  hello1.c  -o  hello1.out


For compiling

(If you find any error please type  vi  hello1.c  AGAIN and edit)


please type



For running


If you successfully done for hello1.out

Please do hello2.c, hello3.c, hello4.c, and hello5.c.


Everything shoud be in your folder !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Practice 2 (4/15/2019)

Fibonacci Sequence


Fibo Spring 2019.pdf


Practice 3 (4/22/19)
Prime Numbers
Practice 4 (4/29/19)
Sequence 1
Practice 5 (5/6/19)


No. Subject Author Date Views
» Lecture Notes, Syllabus, and Sample Text Book file stu 2018.10.15 132679